Yejun Su
👋 Welcome to my home. I’m a software engineer. I write about my life experiences.
- Manage macOS with Nix flakes
- Static website with Hugo and Nix
- 记一次拔智齿的经历
- Send Nix code from Emacs to Kitty
- Backup GnuPG private key
- Simplify TOTP management in Emacs
- Skip sourcehut build in Emacs
- Create sourcehut paste in Emacs
- 2022
- Problem loading Rails configuration
- A tour of functional thinking
- A tour of scientist gem
- 初识 scientist gem
- Manage runtime versions with asdf
- Workflows in my daily work
- Thoughts on note-taking apps
- Livebook-driven development
- 新生儿护理宝典